Adult Memberships

Adult Classes

We have two different styles of classes for our adults, and both are yours to try out on any membership!

Trial Membership
One time purchase

Unlimited Classes for TWO weeks!

Find your routine before you decide on a membership!

Refund your Trial if you enroll by the end of week 1!

Taekwon-do is an ancient martial art which focuses in Self-Defense.
Today, we primarily use it as a vehicle to promote self-confidence and personal growth. While the class pace varies dependent on the weekly focus of Forms, Self-Defense, and Sparring, every class is sure to give you a brain and body workout!
It is so important to get up and get that heart pumping!

That is why we focus on just that! With a unique blend of aerobics, kickboxing, and partner work, this class is sure to leave you feeling good and sweaty!
Bronze Membership
1st of Each Month*

1 Fitness / TKD Class Weekly!

Full Schedule Access!

25% Off Uniform on Sign Up!

Gold Membership
1st of Each Month*

Unlimited Weekly Classes

70% off Special Events!

Free Uniform on Sign Up!

*First month fees billed on sign up, future automatic payments come out on the 1st of each month unless otherwise specified.
30-Day cancellation notice required.
Already have a busy schedule? Not to worry!
The Bronze Membership is designed with you in mind!
With access to our full range of classes, you can train when you want to! Miss a week? Make it up any day in the same month!
The Silver Membership is our most popular option!
With access to classes 3 Days / Week, 20% off all in house events, and discounted colour belt testing, setting yourself up for success has never been easier!
The Gold Membership is the best value, with unlimited access to all regular classes, FREE colour belt testing, and 70% off Special Events! This also means that you will be given priority seating should events fill up, and advanced notice about upcoming registrations!

Check out our Schedule!

Classes run September 5th to June 28th, every weekday! Excluding Stat Holidays.

Not quite ready for a Monthly Membership?

While it is true that a consistent training regiment is the most effective way to achieve your goals, you may not be ready to fully commit to a monthly membership just yet.
Or maybe your schedule just doesn’t allow it. All punch pass credits are good for up to 3 months to give you the flexibility to find where you fit in!
Plus, Punch Passes can be used by multiple different people!
Bronze Punch Pass
20$ / Class

5 Classes

Great to taste the program!

Gold Punch Pass
12$ / Class

25 Classes

Great for trying it out with your Friends!

Still not convinced you need us in your life?

That is okay. I would love a chance to convince you otherwise.
Contact us through any available medium and set up a private consultation and a free lesson!